Inland Archive
With the unprejudiced gaze of a stranger, the artist Erich Busslinger has turned to his own homeland. Guided by a random principle, he roamed Switzerland between 1999 and 2003. For his Inland Archive, he collected several hundred one-minute video shots. They are everyday, bizarre, unexpected moments that, captured in precise shots, often take a surprising course and evoke the feeling of being right in the centre of what one quite ambivalently perceives as home." Michele Binswanger BAZ "Personally I am amazed by the work and attitude of Erich Busslinger's Inland Archive. I think he is a very special artist for Switzerland, and it is hard to express the many impressions I had after watching these witty, precise, monumental and adorable sequences that whisper truth about our modern society ... Thank you especially again for that experience."
Milica Lapcevic, curator, Festival April Meetins, Belgrade 2005

Kategorie: Kunstvideo/Installation
Von: Erich Busslinger
Status: Archivperle
Produktionsjahr: 2003
Länge: 10 x 15 min
Format: PAL, 4:3
Ton: Stereo

Autor und Realisator
Erich Busslinger